Park Improvements

At Redmond Park, we believe in the value of a lighter, quicker, cheaper transformation of public spaces. Some may call it D.I.Y., others are familiar with the concept of Tactical Urbanism made popular by the Better Block Foundation. No matter the terminology, our ideal Redmond is one that is used often by residents and neighbors of Wellington Heights.

Phase one of our transformative strategy for Redmond Park focuses on the smallest improvements that instantly increase the potential use of our shared space.

Parks need benches and picnic tables. When purchased through catalogs, these items become expensive very quickly. While our long-term goal includes quality infrastructure, in the short term we can fashion our own amenities and jump into the park today.

Defining our neighborhood square.

Phase two of our approach focuses on green improvements. Every day we’re learning more about the best use of our planet’s resources. A number of programming opportunities are available locally, and we’d like to see how we can include prairie grass and pollinators for stormwater retention, a better tree line for shade and to give the park a safer border, and even permeable pavers to improve the experience of our park.

Project for Public Spaces outlines the ingredients for how cities can transform through placemaking. They call their recipe The Power of 10+.

In brief, The Power of 10+ concept encourages cities to identify 10+ major destinations in the region, 10+ places in each destination, and 10+ things to do, layered to create synergy, in each identified place.

As our community’s plans for the MedQuarter and College District take shape, we believe Redmond Park is ideally positioned to become another great place within our growing urban core. Our plan for Redmond Park seeks to define those 10+ things to do when visitors stop to visit the park.

We’d like to give Redmond Park:

  • A place to visit
    Small improvements to define the park’s boundaries and brand can give visitors a sense of “being there.” Light poles with banners and way-finding signage are some additional small infrastructure improvements that can go a long way in Redmond Park. Increased ADA accessibility is very important to ensure all are welcome.
  • A place that feels safe
    With more routine activity and vibrant street life, Redmond Park will be a place that all neighbors can feel safe exploring. Street improvements will slow traffic around the park. Innovative programming will provide alternative options for local youth. Street lighting oriented for walking (instead of cars) will shine a light on our park’s shadows and ensure safety in the evening hours.
  • A place to get about
    With new bike lanes coming to 3rd Avenue in summer 2019, and existing transit service, Redmond Park will become a connectivity hub for the neighborhood. We’ll advocate for bike share stations, a comfortable and attractive bus stop, and improved ADA accessibility — all important to ensure that every person is welcome in our park.
  • A place to play
    Our splash pad and playground equipment already give Redmond Park a great sense of place. We should consider upgrading this equipment so it can be increasingly enjoyed by all for many years to come.
  • A place to sit
    Improved shade, tables, and benches can augment idle moments in the park.
  • A place to gather
    Additional hard surface space can accommodate multiple additional uses of the park. The Wellington Heights neighborhood deserves a place where all can come to socialize and work together.
  • A place to feel inspired
    Music, public art, and great events will all be a big draw to Redmond Park.
  • A place to be nourished
    Fruit trees and vegetable gardens will line the park. Farmers’ Markets and CSA drop-offs will become familiar sights. We’ll forge partnerships with area groups to ensure that those with limited means are always cared for in our neighborhood. What’s more, you’ll nourish your social network and sense of belonging when you meet new people on our park benches!
  • A place to shop and dine
    Once all of these transformative measures are in place, we want to be able to cross the street for a great scoop of ice cream or maybe some coffee. We value the historical preservation of our neighborhood while also advocating for creative mixed use in some of the properties surrounding the park. We think light retail and dining could augment the sense of destination, truly converting our great park into a beloved neighborhood square.

We can make small changes now to work toward these goals. Ultimately, we’d like to make improvements across the board for all of these ideas! We’re waiting for the right opportunity to raise funds and implement some of the more difficult items. This will give our movement a chance to grow and help us prove the demand for the changes we’d like to see. Together, we can create a Redmond Park Master Plan to give shape to our long-term efforts and keep us on track.