Art in the Park
Attracting visitors to the park and arousing interest in the routine subtleties of daily life, dynamic art spectacles will encourage all to see Redmond Park in new ways and spark the imagination of Wellington Heights guests and residents.
The Gates – Facing East [photo: Morris Pearl / CC BY-SA 3.0]
From Wikipedia:
Artists installed 7,503 vinyl “gates” along 23 miles (37 km) of pathways in Central Park in New York City. From each gate hung a panel of deep saffron-colored nylon fabric. […] The Gates alludes to the tradition of Japanese torii gates, traditionally constructed at the entrance to Shinto shrines.
The vision
Redmond Park will host rotating public displays featuring local art. The works should seek to transform park visitors’ experience through interaction, engagement of senses, novelty, and character.
[…] effective arts-based Placemaking projects go well beyond the idea of art for art’s sake. The goal of this work is to build strong, healthy, and resilient cities by integrating the arts into broader community revitalization and Placemaking efforts. It is about leveraging the power of arts and culture to strengthen communities and drive social change. […] And because they have always played an important role in the life of our cities and communities, the arts need to be a central component, not an afterthought, in our policy and planning discussions – or indeed in “any public, private, [or] community conversations that seek to bring about change.”
—Creative Communities and Arts-based Placemaking, via Project For Public Spaces
Read more about tapping into the power of art to transform public spaces.
We are looking for a volunteer art coordinator and contributing designers. Interested? Drop us a line.
The Chandelier Tree
From Curbed — Los Angeles:
Creator Adam Tenenbaum came home from a set-building job with three spare chandeliers one day, then realized they’d look perfect hung in his tree at West Silver Lake and Shadowlawn, then realized they had to be lit. […] Tenenbaum says he wants the tree to feel “full and unique, but not overbearing and gaudy.”
Frozen Trees [photos: Fernando Guerra]
From DomusWeb:
An ephemeral intervention in a historical square builds an illuminated, frozen and fractal landscape. […] Thirty cylinders – structured, self-sufficient streetlights – are placed throughout the Rossio square in downtown Lisbon, drawing a new landscape and context and inviting the visitors to new spatial experiences.